About Me

Research Interest
- Embedded System Cyber Security
- Transportation/Automotive Cyber Security
- Vulnerability Mitigation and Detection
- Network Intrusion Detection
In chronological order:
- Addressing the Lack of Comparability & Testing in CAN Intrusion Detection Research: A Comprehensive Guide to CAN IDS Data & Introduction of the ROAD Dataset
- Time-Based CAN Intrusion Detection Benchmark
- CAN-D: A Modular Four-Step Pipeline for Comprehensively Decoding Controller Area Network Data
- ACTT: Automotive CAN Tokenization and Translation
Talks, Posters, Demos, etc
Poster: ROAD: Real ORNL Automotive Dataset, NDSS 2021
Securing Automotive Networks with Vehicle-Agnostic Technologies, Tennessee Technological University 2020
Analysis and Defense of Automotive Networks, Bsides Knoxville 2020
Workshop: Analysis and Defense of Automotive Networks, CodeMash 2020
Cybersecurity Implications of Modern Automobiles, Tennessee Technological University 2019, Best Poster Winner
CAN-D: One-Time Training, Real-Time Signal Decoding